"The basic human reaction to pleasure is not satisfaction, but rather craving for more. Hence, no matter what we achieve, it only increases our craving, not our satisfaction."
A craving is a message beyond what we have been programmed to believe.
What is it really trying to tell you?
Not too often do we have cravings for healthful foods, healthful thoughts, and healthful words, until we've been indulging in the unhealthful things (we all have different unhealthful things) so much so that it's like...
...ok, enough is enough.
Isn't that more like it?
If you want a piece of fruit, protein, or some greens, something that your body knows will give it energy and satisfy its true desire, it comes as a different message than say a craving for a hamburger, fries, pizza, etc...
Don't hear me wrong...a hamburger, fries, and pizza are not bad in and of themselves...
But, be honest...
When do you feel best? Not like an ego best, but overall like your inner Self, your Soul feels satisfied and satiated.
Does one food satisfy something and the other satisfy something different?
Slow down just enough to listen to your body, what does it really want?
It could be you are dehydrated and you really desire water?
It could be you need a meal that nourishes your cells, bones, ligaments, muscles, and joints...
It could be you need love, not food...
It could be you are desiring creativity...
It could be you are desiring playfulness...
It could be you are desiring movement...
It could be you are desiring adventure...
It could be you are desiring acceptance...
It could be you are desiring peace...
The craving in and of itself has a deeper message...
Quiet yourself and listen.
So much love to you,